
Vignettes with a Ragdoll Revision #2

By Kasperitus


Revised: 08-Sep-2011
Added: 06-Jun-2011
United States

Average rating: 10
The boy and the ragdoll psychological thriller fantasy twisted childhood Vignettes with a ragdoll multiple perspective mystery ambiguity

'Vignettes with a Ragdoll' originally began as a single piece, 'The Boy and the Ragdoll'. It was a story written in 9 minutes, 26 seconds, and I consider it to be one of my strongest works. I originally uploaded it a few years back on another writing site that I'm no longer active on

Now that I'm getting back into online publishing, I decided that I should start off with a bang and dug up 'The Boy and the Ragdoll' from the bowels of my hard drive.

Just a side note, all of the formatting in this piece is intentional.


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2. The Addict

Ragdoll knew city was not far. It take Ragdoll much time to find city, but time means nothing to Ragdoll and Brethren of Ragdoll. Finding city is easy for Ragdoll, getting into city can be hard, especially when it is not playtime. If Ragdoll try to go into city now, too many playthings could see Ragdoll, draw attention to Ragdoll before Ragdoll is ready, forcing Ragdoll to play too quickly, which is no fun for Ragdoll. So Ragdoll wait
and wait
|_|ntil playtime comes again. Ragdoll then go into city without anyplaything noticing Ragdoll. Now Ragdoll must find playroom, place where Ragdoll can play with Playthings without other Playthings noticing. Finding right Playroom is tricky for Ragdoll. Playroom must be big, but not too big; must be without dark but not too |ightened. And Playroom can not be too close, too noticeable to Playthings, but must be near enough so that playthings come without Ragdoll doesn’t need to trick them. Ragdoll not good at tricking, only good at playing. Space between walls between large Plaything homes are not bad. But space is only good playroom for one playtime. But Ragdoll is almost dry and must find more fun-fuel, so Ragdol must find plaything to play with soon. Good thing city has many playthings, and Ragdoll is good at finding playthings, because Ragdoll quickly find plaything in temporary playroom, and Ragdoll not even have to trick it. Now-plaything doesn’t notice Ragdoll at first, thinking Ragdoll is only part of noise in now-plaything’s mind-silence, only see Ragdoll when Ragdoll use mind-music to :nfluence noise in mind-silence. Now-plaything starts to taunt Ragdoll, call Ragdoll names that Ragdoll is not, so Ragdoll uses word-hole to sing “Ragdoll is not names.” Ragdoll starts moving towards now-plaything, increasing :nfluence before finishing what Ragdoll was singing. “Ragdoll is what Ra(;do|l ][s.”


Lights, drinks, fucks, fuckers, drugs, it’s all the same after downing enough booze to kill an irish elephant. At this point, it’s all one big, swirling haze of  fun and nothing seems or feels real anymore.


Except for that. The street definitely felt real. Someone behind me shouts something at me, probably telling me to get the hell out of the club. Prick.

“H-hey!” I yell back as I picked myself off the ground, “Y-you can’t trow me out! I’m a p-p-paying co-cun... Customer! A paying customer!”

The prick didn’t say anything else and just laughed as I tried to stand on the noodles I call legs, which would be a hell of a lot easier if the fucking ground would stopped moving. By the time I finally managed to put my left foot on the ground without my right one breaking into a jig, the blur and the glowing door had been replaced by a shaking brown wall.

“You fucker! Come out here and face me like a man!”

The only response I got was blank stare from a wall and a dull, thumping beat.

“Motherfucker” I swore as I stumbled away from the snaking street and deeper into the shifting maze of alleys. I didn’t really know where I was going. Probably back to the shit hole I call an apartment, where I could pass out knowing that some hobo wouldn’t stab me. A few twists, turns and tumbles later, my dinner decided that it didn’t like its new home and jumped ship. It didn’t even have the decency to give me a notice or anything until it was out of my mouth and splattered all over my shirt.

Well isn’t that just fan-fucking-tastic. I thought as I scratched the nasty taste off my tongue.

Just as I started to clean myself off, I heard it. A freakish noise that sounded like someone was playing a violin with a shrieking cat while standing on a live wire. Probably sick homeless fuck with nothing better to do and a blob where his brain should be. After half-wiping the shit off my shirt, I looked up to see what looked like the lovechild of a  three-way between an emo, a raver and a knife collector. Oh great. First puke, now hallucinations. I still remember when that kind of shit used to freak me out. Now that I’ve had more than my fair share of them, I know that the best thing to do is to walk straight through them. So that’s what I started to do (key word started) until it starting…. well I wouldn’t call tumbling over yourself like a wasted puppet walking, much less moving, but that’s what it did.

As I got closer to it, things started to get weird. The curves and wave of the alley suddenly straightened and sharpened, looking like something out of some psychotic cartoon. The thing, which was either real or the freakiest hallucination I’ve ever had, started changing as well, shaking like an out of focus picture and combining moving shadows until I couldn’t tell where the thing ended and the shadows started. The lines on its body started glowing brighter, and that goddamned shitty music just got louder and louder.

“Hey Eddie Scissorhands,” I stopped walking, “What do you want?”

The thing said nothing and just kept and on getting closer and closer.

“I’m talking to you Kruger! You want my money? WelI I ain’t got nothing on me. So why don’t you go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before I came along before I have to kick you ass.”

The stupid-ass mask on its face seemed to grin even wider.

“Didn’t you hear me? Beat it Smiley!”

“Ragdoll is not names” the thing finally said, closing in on me. It’s voice was a perfect match for the noise, which even more obnoxious then ever before, playing behind it. The hairs on the back of my neck shot straight up as the alley twisted into a spiral of shrieking shadows.

“Ragdoll is what Ra(;do|l ][s.” It’s words fused with the music, becoming one horrific noise as it raised its hands an<-(^`|\|</|…¡_}{||


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June 7, 2011 at 9:36 PM PDT

Interesting to read about the same scene from perspective of the 2 characters. You may like to shorten "watching-plaything-child" to something simpler and shorter.

Will there be chapter II soon?