New Design...Almost There
Posted by Writers and Illustrators on October 6, 2011 in Notices
The redesign of Writers and Illustrators is almost complete. Just a few more little bugs and a few more tweaks...a few more days. It'd be worth your wait.
The redesign of Writers and Illustrators is almost complete. Just a few more little bugs and a few more tweaks...a few more days. It'd be worth your wait.
Writers and Illustrators is being redesigned. Audio and video will be incorporated so that we move a little closer to multi-media presentation of your posts. A forum and directory will also be added. If you have any suggestions, please use the "Contact Us" form. Scheduled completion date is end of July 2011.
What is a copyright?
Copyright means the exclusive right to copy creative works. It covers more than mere copying, however; no one may copy, publicly perform, publish, translate, convert, adapt, record or broadcast the work, or any substantial part of it, without permission from the owner of the copyright.
What can be protected?
Copyright applies to original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works — whatever the mode or form of expression. It also protects performances, sound recordings, broadcasts and computer programs. To be original, the work must be the product of the author’s skill and labour and must not be copied from another’s